Friday, March 29, 2013

Several Port(8080, 8009) Error how to remove without restarting eclipse

We all got this error many time but we just simply restart the eclipse to avoid.Now why this error occur

  1. Because there is already one tomcat server is running and we try to run another tomcat server.It seem Previous tomcat is out of synch or not stopped.
  2. What happen when we restart the eclipse ,it destroy the running tomcat from memory 

 Is it possible to handle this error without restarting eclipse ???
  1. Yes
  2. How?
  3. delete the running tomcat from memory.
  4. what i have to do for this?
  5. open  task manager in Process bar find the process called javaw.exe and just end this process,this delete the running tomcat from memory
  6. Now go back run your application ,It's working fine now.


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